
about US patents 207557 and 207558

These patents seem like an invention to apart the type-heads of the neighboring type-bars, when waiting at rest position.

I have a 1878 Sholes model for US patent #207557 (August 1878) that was made to demonstrate an improvement in the typebars.

Posted By: mantelliflavio, Thu Nov 25, 2010
TYPEWRITERS : Message: Re: [TYPEWRITERS] Sholes & Glidden Type-writer Question:


not staggered

 In Figure 2 of the drawings a modified arrangement of the keyboard is illustrated, the vertical rows of the keys at the right and left hand sides of the vertical center line of the keyboard being inch'red in a direction to ward each other. This arrangement of the keyboard has been found desirable in order that each hand of the operator would move in a< natural direction toward each other as the fingers reach for the keys of the uppermost rows of the keyboard. If desired, the gap which it will be seen occurs at the lower portion of the center of the keyboard, may be .filled in by placing some of the less frequently used keys therein, such as for instance the tabulator keys, the back spacer or the like.


Pratt http://qwerty-history.g.hatena.ne.jp/raycy/20110526/1306399397

Daugherty of the shifting way

The Daugherty typewriter is a type-bar machine with two types to the bar, but the shift is made by raising the type-bars instead of •moving the paper.


shift-key by each thumbs or center shift

shift-key by each thumbs
When there is but one shift key, use the fourth finger of the left hand on the shift key. This will make it necessary to change the fingering somewhat for the capitals on the left hand side of the keyboard.
Hold the shift key down with the fourth finger, and strike the letter with one of the other three fingers, as most convenient.

The shift keys at present in use are awkward, and it is a matter of surprise that no manufacturer has yet brought out a shift key which can be used with the thumb which now has nothing to do; in this way there would be no change whatever in the fingering.

Manual of Dougherty's brief shorthand and touch ... . - Full View | HathiTrust Digital Library:

shift-keys on both right and left side each

On the Remington typewriter the capital. letters and corresponding small letters are both on the same key. The capital is printed by moving the carriage over just far enough to change the printing point. The carriage is thus moved by means of a key, which is called the shift key. This key must be depressed and held down while the desired letter is being struck with another finger. On the latest machines of this style, there are usually two shift keys, one on each side of the keyboard. In this case one hand is used for the shift key and the other for the letter which is to be written. In this way, the fingering for the capitals is exactly the same as for the small letters.
When there is but one shift key, use the fourth finger of the left hand on the shift key. This will make it necessary to change the fingering somewhat for the capitals on the left hand side of the keyboard. Hold the shift key down with the fourth finger, and strike the letter with one of the other three fingers, as most convenient.

Manual of Dougherty's brief shorthand and touch ... . - Full View | HathiTrust Digital Library:
For my own use, I prefer a single case for its compactness, and the machine should have a capital shift on the right hand side as well as on the left.

McKee's shorthand magazine., Vol. 2, No. 3, January 1901, P.50.
McKee's shorthand magazine. v. 2 (Nov. 1900-Oct. 1901). - Full View | HathiTrust Digital Library:
Daugherty, Pitsburg underwood.